Thursday, November 26, 2009

National Day of Listening - Friday November 27th

As an antidote to Black Friday, which follows the American Thanksgiving, is suggesting that Friday November 27th, 2009 be a "National Day of Listening".

Here are a couple of guides if you decide this event would be a worthwhile part of your life:

1. Educator's Guide
2. Community Guide

And here is a more kids friendly guide on how to record stories.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Story Prompts - Going Deeper

One the most satisfying segments at yesterday's full day digital storytelling session, was during our initial sharing time.

Joe Lambert calls it a writing prompt. He has had success with it so I thought I'd try it. What happened was just short of amazing. 7 people shared personal, heartfelt moments in their lives.

You see, digital storytelling is all about going deeper. When we engage in a story circle with thoughts and moments from our lives that are decisive. When we talk about our major achievements, our setbacks, meeting a special person, the birth of a child, or the end of a relationship. These decisive moments make for deeper discussion and writing.

So that's what happened yesterday. The group spent about 30 minutes or so talking and sharing personal moments in their lives. There was something about the stories and the listening going on. Deeper, thoughtful, heartfelt. Real digital storytelling.

The participants then spent about 90 minutes crafting their narratives. This was difficult. Pacing, economy, depth, they're not easy to do in such a sort time span. But there they were: meaningful stories, ready for the storyboard and voiceover process.

I don't think I'll ever tire of full day digital storytelling sessions because they are about people's stories. How could anyone tire of hearing life stories? So many stories to tell. So many stories to hear.

The next session can't come soon enough.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Delicious and Twitter - digitalstoryca is now using the social networking sites Delicious and Twitter.

I've used Delicious tagging to assist in finding a resource you may be looking for.

Hopefully, your search time will be minimized. I've tagged with the following headings: Books, Exemplars, Guides, Readings, Rubrics, Storyboards and Websites.