Sunday, February 17, 2013

Writing About Moments

I had a special experience with the lower school teachers at Collegiate School on Friday this week.

It was one of those workshops where barriers come down, trust and honesty are evident and when 30 minutes after the session ends, 80% of the participants are still enjoying the showcase and celebration of their stories.

They wrote about relationships and places, triumphs and natural disasters. But mostly they wrote about moments in their lives.  There's a deep sense of feeling and knowing as the listener is transported into a particular moment.

There is something special about hearing a person's digital story spoken aloud for the first time in a group setting. Applause, tears, heads nodding knowingly and sometimes silence, a 'knowing silence' - - that time when the only thing to do is sit there and soak in what you have just heard. And then realize you just had the privilege of being in that moment with the writer.

Thank you Collegiate teachers for writing about your moments and sharing them with me.